Buying A Car With Social Security Income
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Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is for people with disabilities or who are 65 or older with little to no income and resources. SSI is not Social Security. Although the names sound similar and the Social Security Administration runs the program, it does not fund SSI.
As a result of the Reciprocal Personal Income Tax Agreement between New Jersey and Pennsylvania, New Jersey residents who receive compensation from Pennsylvania sources are not subject to Pennsylvania income tax on those earnings. If you are a New Jersey resident and Pennsylvania income tax was withheld from wages you earned there, you must file a Pennsylvania return to get a refund. To stop the withholding of Pennsylvania income tax, complete Form REV-419 , Employee's Nonwithholding Application Certificate, and give it to your employer. More information is available on the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue website or by calling 1-717-787-8201.
California Law requires that all drivers of vehicles within the State maintain evidence of financial responsibility. California's Low Cost Automobile Program (CLCA) was established by the Legislature in 1999 and exists pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 11629.7 as a program designed to provide income eligible persons with liability insurance protection at affordable rates as a way to meet California's financial responsibility laws. 781b155fdc